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Articles & Ideas

Being Specific

Important Note: This article was written prior to 2010 and is now outdated. Please use my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. It is more efficient, more powerful and clearly explained in my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™.  Best wishes, Gary

Hi Everyone,

Henrik Friman from Sweden offers this idea for addressing specific events without actually identifying them. While this concept may prove helpful to newbies, I prefer doing it the "old fashioned way" by digging around until I find an appropriate event. Also, if you are having trouble locating a relevant specific event, you can dig around in the past and make one up. This has proven useful on many occasions.

Hugs, Gary

By Henrik Friman

Hi Gary,

My name is Henrik Friman and I work with acupuncture and now more recently also with EFT.  I have noticed the importance of tapping on specific events but I think it is often difficult to know which events lie at the root of the problems.  The thing I've noticed is that one doesn't always need to know the exact specific event and that it can be enough to say:

This specific event, event number 1, which contributes to this problem

This specific event, event A, that has lead to this problem or

This specific event, event 1, that lies at the root of this problem, in the setup statement and then just tap along with the reminder phrase: Event 1, or Event A, etc.

The subconscious seems to know what we are getting at and locks on to a specific event that is causing the problem.  Then it is possible to go on with another setup statement: These specific events 2, 3 and 4, that contribute to this problem, and tap with Events 2, 3 and 4 in the reminder phrase.

This strategy has proven to be efficient for me and my clients and seems to clear a lot of stuff down below. I hope this can be of use for some EFT'ers reading the newsletter. Thank you for this amazing method and I hope this will be commonsense in the future.

Henrik Friman, Stockholm, Sweden


Explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT™, by reading my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™. More efficient. More powerful.