Cheryl Richardson endorses EFT

EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century

Cheryl Richardson

Author of The Unmistakable Touch of Grace.

Gary Craig's Optimal EFT Training Membership (Online)


We are working in the background on a MAJOR EXPANSION of our website. More benefits. More facilities.

As a result, we are not taking new Memberships for now. Check back in July. Hopefully, we will be ready by then! In the meantime, enjoy our current website.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Gary Craig
EFT & OEFT Founder

Charles Smithdeal, MD quote
I’m convinced that Gary Craig will ultimately be responsible for more physical and emotional healing on this planet than any mortal person in prior history.
Charles Smithdeal, MD
Michelle Leuschen quote
You created a miracle in the world that is forever lasting.  Your life is an amazing contribution to humanity.  Thank you.
Michelle Leuschen
Helle Gylling quote
I would have to say that there is enormous potential in this new refinement to bring up unresolved issues that I am not even aware of. Very cool!
Helle Gylling
Dr. Isabel Reis quote
Almost without fail patients leave with a sense of tranquility. I am overflowing with the Miracle that is The Unseen Therapist - Thank you for bringing Her into my life.
Dr. Isabel Reis
Mair Llewellyn quote
The Unseen Therapist, is a huge leap forward in the healing field. I'm so glad you were entrusted to bring it to the world.
Mair Llewellyn
Nora Velzeboer quote
I truly believe that OEFT is such a tremendous tool to engender peace in ourselves, our clients and ultimately the world.
Nora Velzeboer
Emma Royle quote
I love the feeling optimal EFT gives as it is one of the only ways I can really feel love flowing and healing me.
Emma Royle
Michel Debruyckere   quote
Gary’s Optimal EFT Course is groundbreaking. Magic possibilities came true when OEFT (The Unseen Therapist) came on board. Unparalleled miracles on our way.
Michel Debruyckere
Jagjeet Singh Ahluwalia quote
She (my client) could not believe what she was experiencing internally, the happiness that had suddenly come over her.
Jagjeet Singh Ahluwalia
Kristen Massey quote
Yay! Thank you so much! Learning to use The Unseen Therapist has been a real life changer.
Kristen Massey