Eric Robins, MD, endorses EFT

I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results.

Eric Robins, MD

Co-author of Your Hands Can Heal you.

The EFT Tapping Success Strategy

A Powerful Plan for Tapping Success on Any Issue.
It Underlies Just About Everything I Do.

The most common question we get from our audience is some version of...

“How do I use EFT on MY issue?”

The answer, almost every time, is...

…study Parts I and II of the Tutorial, and then use
The EFT Personal Peace Procedure combined with The EFT Tell the Story Technique
until you see results on your issue.

That’s it!

EFT Tapping Success image

The EFT Success Strategy is based on finding and resolving Specific Events (Table Legs) until the Tabletop Issues they support can no longer stand in your way.  As you continue to clear disruptions and remove that burden from your system, your physical and emotional health will start to improve, and you may indeed experience a level of peace and happiness that exceeds your expectations.  We must warn you, though, that kind of bliss can be habit-forming (smile).

The SAME approach for EVERY issue? Really?

Yes. Even after studying the material in this Tutorial, people may still expect to find some unique way to use EFT for their unique issue, but that is NOT the case. We see unresolved emotional issues as a primary contributor to many problems, and we clear them the same way for everyone. There are events in your history that carry disruptions, and once you use EFT to remove them, the problems tend to go away. Some people have more disruptions to clear than others, but removing them thoroughly and methodically is still the answer.

Of course this isn’t true for every case. Some people will see results by just being a little more specific about their problem. Others can work with one big event and their whole outlook will change. Some people have survived extreme trauma and will need professional help along their EFT journey.

BUT - when people ask us for direction, the answer is always Personal Peace Procedure combined with Tell the Story Technique, and if that gets confusing or difficult, then let us help you find a properly trained professional.

Any do-it-yourself user can start clearing disruptions from their own history. Finding the most influential events may take a little longer, but a professional can usually zero in on the best options. They may also be able to use language more effectively and see things as a third party that you can’t, but the process is still the same. We clear disruptions from specific events.

What about all those fancy Setup Phrases that Gary uses or that I see on YouTube or Tapping Summits?

The heart of the EFT process is still the same. Get to specific events and clear the disruptions out. If used properly, fancy language can speed up the process of clearing an event, and help us see what events are the best candidates to clear, but we are still clearing events. Any kind of fancy language that stays in the global realm, as is typically found on YouTube, Tapping Summits, etc., will usually not produce lasting in-depth results. So – don’t be fooled by the miraculous promises of the one-minute-wonders you may find elsewhere on the internet. For real, lasting, measurable results, most people need the Personal Peace Procedure.  If it takes a little longer on your own, then all you have to lose is a few extra disruptions, right?


In this article you learned how the EFT tools you have learned fit into the EFT Success Strategy.

  • For any case, especially for do-it-yourself users, we recommend The Personal Peace Procedure combined with Tell the Story Technique.
  • If you have difficulty working with or navigating through the events in your own history, enlist the help of a properly trained EFT Professional.




© Gary and Tina Craig
All Rights Reserved

Please note: This Tutorial, while useful, was replaced in 2014 by my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. More efficient. More powerful. Full explanation given in my free, easy-to-read e-book, The Unseen Therapist