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Fears And Phobias


Fear of Gynecological exams cured with EFT

Important Note: This article was written prior to 2010 and is now outdated. Please use my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. It is more efficient, more powerful and clearly explained in my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™.  Best wishes, Gary

Hi Everyone,

Dr. Kiya Immergluck shows how relief can be achieved for a common (but often unspoken) fear harbored by women. Note how she deals with the "fear of the fear."

Hugs, Gary

By Dr. Kiya L. Immergluck, EFT-ADV

Dear Gary,

Survivors of sexual abuse are often a difficult population for traditional psychotherapy.  Certainly, the support and comfort of a safe person who they trust is tremendously valuable.  Just to be able to tell their story and be respected and believed can be very comforting.

But the PTSD associated with many types of sexual abuse (with adults as well as children) can be very resistant to therapy or psychotropic drugs.  EFT is the most powerful tool I have ever encountered in terms of addressing core issues without months and years of “talk therapy.”

It may not be generally known that women who have experienced sexual trauma often report an intense fear of routine gynecological internal exams.  Some women refuse to go to the doctor for fear of the flashbacks involved with the “invasion” of their bodies.

My client was very resistant at first to this article being published, but I assured her that her identity would be well hidden.  She agreed because she felt that the benefits for women far outweighed any initial embarrassment about the issue.

Client “X” is a post-menopausal woman who reported incidents of early childhood sexual abuse.  After many years of therapy on that issue, she felt confident that she was cured and did not need to work on those painful old memories from more than 50 years ago.

She was quite shocked when she returned from a routine visit to her primary care physician.  “My doctor is a kind and compassionate woman who actually spends extra time talking to me.  I didn’t realize that she would be doing a routine internal exam (Paps Smear) on that visit, and I became so frightened that she was unable to do the simple internal procedure.”

We did some tapping on the old memories, and they were quickly reduced to 0 level of intensity on a scale of 0 to 10.  We used the Tearless Trauma Technique and she came up with her own “nicknames” to represent certain incidents without having to reveal the particulars while we tapped.

Then we tapped on the procedure itself and her shame that she “should be over this by now,” and the fact that there was no reason for her to be afraid of her compassionate WOMAN doctor.

At the end of the session, Client “X” reported that she was down to 0 level of intensity on every aspect of the issue and felt confident that she could return to the doctor for her gynecological exam without incident.

In future sessions with this client, I sometimes asked her if she returned to the doctor yet.  She told me over a period of months that she hadn’t gone back yet, but that she would very soon.  When I asked her if she was still afraid, and might need to do some additional tapping on the issue, she insisted that the problem was solved.  She denied that she was avoiding going back to the doctor.

Finally, she admitted to me that she was experiencing “fear of the fear.”  She was afraid to let herself down, embarrassed to show the doctor how wonderful EFT was, and then possibly “fail,” and afraid to disappoint me with all the great work we did on the issue.

We tapped on all of those residual issues by telephone the night before her appointment.  We also did some more tapping on old memories, and it was clear to her that those old issues were truly resolved.

She asked for prayers before her appointment, which included some surrogate tapping.  She called later that day to report that the exam went very well, and that she was completely relaxed during the procedure.  She was elated to report that it was the best experience she ever had with a gynecological exam!

Just think how great it would be if all women knew they could tap before a doctor’s appointment and be completely calm!


Dr.Kiya L. Immergluck, EFT-ADV

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Explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT™, by reading my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™. More efficient. More powerful.