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Surrogate EFT brings peace to scared animals

Important Note: This article was written prior to 2010 and is now outdated. Please use my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. It is more efficient, more powerful and clearly explained in my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™.  Best wishes, Gary

Note: This article assumes you have a working knowledge of EFT. Newcomers can still learn from it but are advised to peruse our Free Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tutorial™ for a more complete understanding.

Hi Everyone,

Listen in as Sandra Marshall from the UK tells us how she used surrogate EFT to produce remarkable results for a cat and a dog. Very useful.

Hugs, Gary

By Sandra Marshall

Dear Gary,

Just after receiving your newsletter and reading about JoAnn SkyWatcher's nervous cat I decided to try some surrogate EFT on my own very nervous rescued cat.

We adopted Puss from a local rescue when our old cat died. She's a very pretty Calico Tortie that had been back to the rescue twice. We've now had her for almost two years, and she is improving all the time. But she just hates being picked up and is very jumpy when people talk or walk into a room.

Recently when I started the surrogate EFT, I looked directly at her, and she looked straight back, as if listening, even though I said nothing - the EFT was going on in my head and I wasn't physically tapping on myself or her (I'm getting good at this, and can tune in without tapping). I was just using anything that came to mind, like:

Even though I was cruelly treated I don't have to be afraid any more.

Even though I haven't been able to trust anyone before, I can now … haven't they always treated me well here? …They'll never hurt me here, and so on. For the reminder phrase I used the same term as JoAnn did 'scaredy cat'.

After a few minutes, I put my hand down and Puss came over to me. Then I gently picked her up, still doing the surrogate EFT in my head. She paddy-padded my arm for a few minutes, then settled down, purring. She stayed put for over ten minutes until I had to put her down because my arm was hurting. During this time a friend who was in the house was walking around and talking to me on and off, which would normally send Puss scurrying for cover. But she just stayed put, purring happily. When I put her down, she sat back and had a nice wash, then wandered off.

I have tried surrogate EFT on an animal once before, when I spotted a lady outside my house who was trying to get a beautiful golden retriever to move. It had sat down on the pavement and wasn't going to budge for anyone. The lady told me the dog was terrified of fireworks and hated going out for a walk (it was around Bonfire Night).

I stood away from the dog (I'm a bit wary of them) doing surrogate EFT in my head. After a minute or so, the dog came over to me and rubbed it's head on my hip while I gently stroked it, still doing the EFT. Then, suddenly, it trotted off up the pavement, while the owner and I stood and watched in amazement. I confess I didn't tell the lady I'd used EFT in case she thought I was weird. But I wish I had. EFT is brilliant, isn't it?



Explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT™, by reading my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™. More efficient. More powerful.