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Serious Diseases


Asking questions to get behind reasons for cancer

Important Note: This article was written prior to 2010 and is now outdated. Please use my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. It is more efficient, more powerful and clearly explained in my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™.  Best wishes, Gary

Hi Everyone,

Jamina Kovacev from New Zealand displays some critical reasons as to why we develop diseases such as cancer. These concepts have wide use and merit your study. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary

By Jasmina Kovacev, BSc

Hi Gary,

My client had bowel cancer that has been surgically removed and doctors wanted her to go through 9 months of chemotherapy.  She refused chemotherapy.  A scan before the surgery showed something on her liver and she has been told that if it is cancerous she has only 10% chance to survive.  If it is not, then it is all good - particularly if she takes chemotherapy as an option.

When she came to me her liver area was very painful.  The very first thing I always do with chronic condition clients is to find out their level of belief that they will be healed.  Many core issues usually come out of that question.

I was very surprised when Mary (not her real name for privacy reason) told me that her belief is 10 out of 10 that she will overcome this cancer challenge.  I was sure that everything that came out in our conversation and particularly doctor’s predictions would leave big scars on the mental writings on her walls.  It was not possible in my mind that she had a belief level of 10.

I started questioning her motivation to overcome cancer and to live.  Mary is single mum and has 3 little children, the youngest only 3 years old.  She surely wanted more than 10 out of 10 to live and stay around for them.  Only after identifying motivation to live or want, was I able to access her real belief level.

I asked her to imagine that she did not have children and then to tell me how much she believes she can overcome cancer challenge.  Surprisingly even to her, it was only 2.  

Apart from what doctors told her, she had many other issues - like I do not deserve to live, I am not worthy … and a number of core childhood issues needing to be cleared.

This gave me a big lesson to pay attention with every client and not to trust his or her belief level without checking motivation first.

The second big AHA with the same client was that the client does not necessarily need to have a big emotional shock that causes the cancer.  My experience in the past was always telling me that there was one and it was relatively easy to find it.

It just happened that I watched movie The Secret at the time Mary was having sessions.  As I was not able to find any major events in her life that were happening before her sickness, I tried asking all kind of questions.  When I asked what might be worse than cancer, I could not believe my ears when I heard the answer.  “To work as hard as I was before I got the cancer.”

It was not only the secondary gain that came out and would keep her there, but I also believe that it was the cause of her condition.

I have questioned it a bit more and to me it looked like the scene with the genie in the movie, The Secret and the words “Your wish is my command.”  Mary told me that she clearly remembers how she was sitting on the house veranda, exhausted after the whole day of gardening (her profession), looking at the clear sky with stars and desperately asking for all this to stop no matter how, just to stop, all hard work, all exhaustion.

Only after a few weeks she was diagnosed with bowel cancer.  Really sounds like, “Your wish is my command.”  She did not have an answer for her wish.  Looks like a big mistake.

I am not including set up statements here, as it would be pages long.  We did need to reframe her secondary gain and find different solutions for her to feel safe being healthy and to know that she can organize her life differently and live it much more enjoyable.

Here is her testimonial

“Sessions helped me a lot with pain.  Even on the first session, pain in liver area lessened quite a bit.  I have also experienced monumental change – I am much happier and freer.  The biggest thing for me was that I was able to liberate myself from the past events and beliefs that were affecting me without me being aware of that.  Once in my life I was free.

Related directly to cancer – I stopped being fearful.  Our sessions started one month after the surgery and instruction to have chemo.  I have refused chemo and in very short period of time I was told that I am clear from cancer.  I can not tell how much our sessions contributed to it, but I do feel that they have played an important role.” 

Jasmina Kovacev, BSc


Explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT™, by reading my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™. More efficient. More powerful.